Nice Corel Painter offer for all those of you who like to paint and draw. For a short time, Corel Painter is on offer with a 15% discount. The offer is for the the big full version of Painter 2023. Thanks to the 15% discount you can get Painter for only 359.95 instead of 424.95 Euros. There is also a 15% discount for an upgrade from an older version, here you pay only 184.95 instead of 218.95 euros.

New Fluid Paint technology in Painter 2023 delivers greater opacity control and makes it easy to create smooth brush strokes
Corel Painter – the digital drawing reference program
Corel Painter is considered the reference program par excellence whenever it comes to natural drawing and sketching. The program simulates in outstanding quality, which is certainly no exaggeration, the most diverse painting backgrounds as well as over 900 brushes and other painting tools.
Painter 2023 is therefore the program for everyone, whether as a hobby or in the creative profession, the natural painting, drawing and sketching is close to the heart. Whether landscapes, cartoons & manga or design drafts for products, Painter offers a variety of functions and possibilities for all this, optimally implemented of course in combination with a pen.
Here the most important new features in Corel Painter 2023
- The new Fluid Paint technology allows you to gently build, mix, model, glaze, add textures and reflective light and enjoy unmatched opacity control and smoothness in every brush stroke.
- More intuitive selection workflow with improved visibility of selected areas.
- A color overlay option has been added to the selection tools to improve visibility of selected areas.
- Improved keyboard shortcuts to switch from addition or subtractive selection mode.
- Select areas based on color with brushes – Magic wand and the versatility of a selection brush can be combined to quickly select parts of an image based on color.
- User-requested enhancements in Corel Painter 2023
Corel Painter offer for those who love digital art
If you have the talent or want to learn digital drawing and painting, Painter with its excellent realistic artist materials and digital art painting tool offers the optimal tool for photorealistic works of art when painting on digital devices.
The 15% discount offer for Painter 2023 plus free extras is available here at Corel
(offer valid until 07 November 2022)